Thursday, December 22, 2016

Santa's Helper

As friends and family dig deep into their pockets this time of year, many may feel their bank accounts stretch to accommodate Christmas time expenses. You are making your list and checking it twice, but the price tag for gifts, wrapping paper, and seasonal decor continue to climb. Even though it may be Christmas time, there are smart strategies to budgeting wisely while still checking off every gift on your list. You desire   smart solutions for balancing your Christmas budget.

1. How did you celebrate Christmas when you were young and how to you celebrate it now? Write about if you spent time with your family, what presents did you like the most and what have you done on Christmas eve.  so often we are so busy looking for the RIGHT gift and our friends and family would love to hear how Christmas was celebrated in the past.

2. Post or make a old time cookbook. with your best Christmas recipes.  I have seen many awesome ideas sharing your and family recipes.  A friend of mine had her moms actual written out cards enlarged and framed for her kitchen wall. I myself have several of my moms recipes on our shelf in 1 of her old pots.

 3.  Write about Christmas activities from your childhood for your kids . How did your family handle baking , decorating putting up the tree or outdoor lights.who wrote  Christmas cards . Don't forget your children would really LOVE to know how you celebrated holidays .

4.  Do you still believe in Santa? If not, who told you first than Santa doesn't exist? What's the story behind it? I remember when my mother told me how she and her brother hide under the bed to wait for Santa to come. Than they fell asleep of course and they wondered in the morning: HOW DID HE GET IN OUR ROOM? :) 

 As we prepare ourselves and family for the wonderful time of year remember that you can find gifts that are personal and affordable.  Add your personal touch to there gifts and if you need some help don't forget that this Santa's helper has several fun affordable gifts , wrapped and  ready to go.

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